Alpha online


What is alpha?

Running since 1977, Alpha is an 11 week course exploring the meaning of life by looking at the core beliefs of the Christian faith. Alpha originated in the UK but is now run across the world in 112 languages, millions of people have tried the course.

what happens at alpha?

The evening starts with a talk designed to engage and inspire conversation. Each talk is around thirty minutes long and given by a speaker or played as a video. They explore the big issues around faith and unpack the basics of Christianity, addressing questions from Who is Jesus? and How can we have faith? to Why and how do I pray? and How does God guide us?

One of the most important parts of any Alpha is the chance to share thoughts and ideas on the topic, and discuss in a small group. There’s no obligation to say anything and there’s nothing you can’t say (seriously). It’s an opportunity to hear from others and contribute your own perspective in an honest, friendly and open environment.

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how do i join in?

The Alpha course at Ballylinney commences on Tuesday 10th November at 8pm. Due to the current Covid restrictions the course will take place online via Zoom

We would be delighted to welcome you along to our course, come alone or bring a friend/family member.

To sign up e-mail